able studio_urban design laboratory 는 도심(urban area)속 ‘짓다’ 라는 건축행위에 대한 고민을 시작으로 2013년 설립되었다. able studio 건축사사무소는 형태(유형)를 중심으로 주거, 상업시설 및 공공건축물에 대한 유형분석 및 제안, 그리고 재료에 대한 실험을 목표로 하고 있다. 또한 도시와 건축의 상호 연관성과 그 안에서의 구축(構築)에 대한 고민을 바탕으로 Urban Design 활동을 한다.
President_Huida Jeong
started his architectural education in Hanyang University, ERICA, 2010 and later obtained M.Arch HYU(eldery welfare facility), 2012. Thoughtout his intensive practice in Architectural Design, he mainly aims to conduct researches on implanting a general culture in Architecture. All the way through, he joined able studio as co-founder, 2013.
Designer(Junior Architect)_Hyeong Geun Moon
graduated in Hanyang University, ERICA 2022. He’ve been conducting a long series of columns and editorial articles about cities and architectures from his unique point of view, via SNS, since 2016 to level up standardization of the public’s need of space. He is working on interpretation of hidden social change throught reading contexts and bring it back to cultural platforms. He is currently an executive advisor of “ㅊa”, micro-influencer and joined able studio as designer, branding director, writer, 2021.
Former Director_June Ho Kim
graduated in Hanyang University, ERICA 2006 and later moved to Berlage Institute, Postgraduate Laboratory of Architecture, Rotterdam where he accomplished his diploma_Urban planning and Architectural Design. After his work experience in the Netherlands and Denmark for years, he set up the architectural company, able studio(2013.12 – 2022.02). He currently works at S-SOA.
Participants_Kyung Won Chung, Song Hee Kim, Jin woo Kim, Han Gyul Jeong, Ki Young Hwang, Hyo Young Song, Na Yong Kim, Kyu Hyun Choi, So Jin Kang, Jin-Hui Yeo, Hyeung Gun Moon, Taek Gon Kim, Jun Ho Kim(C), Hong In Kim, Nam Hyung Lee, Kyu Min Ko, Ji Hyun Lee, Jeonggon Cho, Kyu Ri Kim, Se Jin Park…..